legacy wiki page - https://www.electrodragon.com/w/JDY-25M
- 电源(1.8-3.6V)
- baudrate default 9600bps
Pin | Definition | Function | Description |
1 | TXD | Serial port | Serial output, the level is TTL level |
2 | RXD | Serial port | Serial input, the level is TTL level |
3 | NULL | Null | - |
4 | NULL | Null | - |
5 | KEY5 | Input 5 | inputs* |
6 | KEY4 | Input 4 | inputs* |
7 | KEY3 | Input 3 | inputs* |
8 | KEY2 | Input 2 | inputs* |
9 | NULL | Null | - |
10 | KEY1 | Input 1 | inputs* |
11 | RESET | Reset | Low level reset, high level working (high level if suspended) |
12 | VCC | Power Supply | Supply(1.8-3.6V) |
13 | GND | GND | Power ground |
14 | PWRC | Sleep wake pin | PWRC descriptions* |
15 | ALED | Broadcast LED indication | LED_status* |
16 | STAT | Connection status | status* |
17 | OUTPUT5 | Output 5 | outputs* |
18 | NULL | Null | - |
19 | NULL | Null | - |
20 | NULL | Null | - |
21 | NULL | Null | - |
22 | OUTPUT1 | Output 1 | outputs* |
23 | OUTPUT2 | Output 2 | outputs* |
24 | OUTPUT3 | Output 3 | outputs* |
25 | OUTPUT4 | Output 4 | outputs* |
- outputs = Default low level, support serial instruction control and input KEY pin control in network state
- status = In non mesh mode, low level if not connected, high level after connection In mesh mode (output high level if connect to network successfully, if not, output low level)
- inputs = inputs
- PWRC descriptions = Support PWRC pin wake-up in deep sleep state, and AT instruction sending is supported when the connection status is pulled down
- LED_status = In non mesh mode (flash if not connected, light on after connection)
AT commands
Num. | CMD | Funcs | Default |
1 | AT | 测试指令 | - |
2 | AT+RESET | 复位 | - |
3 | AT+VERSION | 固件版本 | - |
4 | AT+LADDR | 读 MAC 地址 | - |
5 | AT+NAME | 广播名读写 | JDY-25M |
6 | AT+PIN | 连接密码设置 | 123456 |
7 | AT+TYPE | 是否打开密码连接方式 | 0 |
8 | AT+BAUD | 波特率 | 9600 |
9 | AT+DISC | 断开连接 | - |
10 | AT+STAT | 读取连接状态 | 0 |
11 | AT+STARTEN | 开机睡眠设置 | 1 |
12 | AT+ADVIN | 广播间隔 | 1 |
13 | AT+POWR | 发射功率 | 3 |
14 | AT+ROLE | 工作模式设置 | 0 |
15 | AT+SLEEP | 睡眠指令 | - |
16 | AT+DEFAULT | 恢复出厂配置 | - |
17 | AT+INQ | 主机搜索从机广播 | - |
18 | AT+STOP | 停止广播 | - |
19 | AT+CONN | 连接扫描列表 ID 号 | - |
20 | AT+CONA | 指令 MAC 地址连接 | - |
21 | AT+BAND | 绑定从机 MAC 地址 | - |
22 | AT+CLRBAND | 清除绑定 | - |
23 | AT+SRBAND | 连接周边信号最强的从机 | - |
24 | AT+MESH | MESH 发数据 | - |
25 | AT+KEY | 按键参数配置 | - |
26 | AT+NETID | 组网 ID 号配置 | 1189 |
27 | AT+MADDR | 组网短地址 | MAC 地址后两位 |
28 | AT+MCLSS | 组网设备类型 | 0(路由器) |
29 | AT+FRIEND | 添加私密朋友 MAC 地址 | 000000000000 |
30 | AT+CLRFRIEND | 清除朋友 | |
31 | AT+FRTYPE | 朋友类型 | 0 |
32 | AT+IBUUID | iBeacon 的 UUID 配置 | |
33 | AT+MAJOR | iBeacon 的 MAJOR 配置 | 000A |
34 | AT+MINOR | iBeacon 的 MINOR 配置 | 0007 |
35 | AT+IBSING | iBeacon 的 SING 配置 | |
36 | AT+ENLOG | 串口输出状态开关 | 1(开) |
37 | AT+DATA | 从机多连发数据指令 | |
38 | AT+CUIO | 串口设置当前模块输出 IO电平 | |
39 | AT+TGIO | 主机通信时主机控制从机输出 IO电平 | |
40 | AT+FUNC | 主机设置从机无线参数 | |
41 | AT+SUBTYPE | 子功能类型(路由模式有效) | 0 |
42 | AT+LEARN | 学习开关 | 0 |
43 | AT+LEAVAL | 输出 IO 学习参数 | 0,0,0000 |
44 | AT+DEVCLSS | 用于一键主机连接周边信号最强的从机 | 0 |
45 | AT+KLABEL | 添加标签地址 (支持 10 个标签) | 0,0,000000000000 |
46 | AT+KLTIME | 设置标签超时时间 | 3s |
47 | AT+KLRSSI | 设置标签灵敏度 (用于接收范围设置) | 99 |
48 | AT+ALED | 广播 LED 开关 | 1 |
Chip-cn-dat/JDY-dat/JDY-25M-dat/JDY-25M Super Bluetooth Module Manual.pdf