legacy wiki page - https://www.electrodragon.com/w/JDY-25M

  • 电源(1.8-3.6V)
  • baudrate default 9600bps



Pin Definition Function Description
1 TXD Serial port Serial output, the level is TTL level
2 RXD Serial port Serial input, the level is TTL level
3 NULL Null -
4 NULL Null -
5 KEY5 Input 5 inputs*
6 KEY4 Input 4 inputs*
7 KEY3 Input 3 inputs*
8 KEY2 Input 2 inputs*
9 NULL Null -
10 KEY1 Input 1 inputs*
11 RESET Reset Low level reset, high level working (high level if suspended)
12 VCC Power Supply Supply(1.8-3.6V)
13 GND GND Power ground
14 PWRC Sleep wake pin PWRC descriptions*
15 ALED Broadcast LED indication LED_status*
16 STAT Connection status status*
17 OUTPUT5 Output 5 outputs*
18 NULL Null -
19 NULL Null -
20 NULL Null -
21 NULL Null -
22 OUTPUT1 Output 1 outputs*
23 OUTPUT2 Output 2 outputs*
24 OUTPUT3 Output 3 outputs*
25 OUTPUT4 Output 4 outputs*
  • outputs = Default low level, support serial instruction control and input KEY pin control in network state
  • status = In non mesh mode, low level if not connected, high level after connection In mesh mode (output high level if connect to network successfully, if not, output low level)
  • inputs = inputs
  • PWRC descriptions = Support PWRC pin wake-up in deep sleep state, and AT instruction sending is supported when the connection status is pulled down
  • LED_status = In non mesh mode (flash if not connected, light on after connection)

AT commands

Num. CMD Funcs Default
1 AT 测试指令 -
2 AT+RESET 复位 -
3 AT+VERSION 固件版本 -
4 AT+LADDR 读 MAC 地址 -
5 AT+NAME 广播名读写 JDY-25M
6 AT+PIN 连接密码设置 123456
7 AT+TYPE 是否打开密码连接方式 0
8 AT+BAUD 波特率 9600
9 AT+DISC 断开连接 -
10 AT+STAT 读取连接状态 0
11 AT+STARTEN 开机睡眠设置 1
12 AT+ADVIN 广播间隔 1
13 AT+POWR 发射功率 3
14 AT+ROLE 工作模式设置 0
15 AT+SLEEP 睡眠指令 -
16 AT+DEFAULT 恢复出厂配置 -
17 AT+INQ 主机搜索从机广播 -
18 AT+STOP 停止广播 -
19 AT+CONN 连接扫描列表 ID 号 -
20 AT+CONA 指令 MAC 地址连接 -
21 AT+BAND 绑定从机 MAC 地址 -
22 AT+CLRBAND 清除绑定 -
23 AT+SRBAND 连接周边信号最强的从机 -
24 AT+MESH MESH 发数据 -
25 AT+KEY 按键参数配置 -
26 AT+NETID 组网 ID 号配置 1189
27 AT+MADDR 组网短地址 MAC 地址后两位
28 AT+MCLSS 组网设备类型 0(路由器)
29 AT+FRIEND 添加私密朋友 MAC 地址 000000000000
30 AT+CLRFRIEND 清除朋友  
31 AT+FRTYPE 朋友类型 0
32 AT+IBUUID iBeacon 的 UUID 配置  
33 AT+MAJOR iBeacon 的 MAJOR 配置 000A
34 AT+MINOR iBeacon 的 MINOR 配置 0007
35 AT+IBSING iBeacon 的 SING 配置  
36 AT+ENLOG 串口输出状态开关 1(开)
37 AT+DATA 从机多连发数据指令  
38 AT+CUIO 串口设置当前模块输出 IO电平  
39 AT+TGIO 主机通信时主机控制从机输出 IO电平  
40 AT+FUNC 主机设置从机无线参数  
41 AT+SUBTYPE 子功能类型(路由模式有效) 0
42 AT+LEARN 学习开关 0
43 AT+LEAVAL 输出 IO 学习参数 0,0,0000
44 AT+DEVCLSS 用于一键主机连接周边信号最强的从机 0
45 AT+KLABEL 添加标签地址 (支持 10 个标签) 0,0,000000000000
46 AT+KLTIME 设置标签超时时间 3s
47 AT+KLRSSI 设置标签灵敏度 (用于接收范围设置) 99
48 AT+ALED 广播 LED 开关 1


category Operations Send feedback
Networking AT+MADDR - get broadcasting short address AT+MADDR +MADDR=0733
Networking AT+MESH - broadcasting data 41 54 2b 4d 45 53 48 00 ff ff 11 22 33 0d 0a 4F 4B 0D 0A F1 DD 07 07 33 FF FF 11 22 33 (4F 4B 0D 0A = OK)
    AT+PIN +PIN=123456
  set/enquiry –MESH network ID number AT+NETID +NETID=1189
Networking check networking types AT+MCLSS +MCLSS=0
  mesh friend AT+FRIEND +FRIEND=000000000000
    AT+CUIO +CUIO=0,0,0,0,0,



type uuid note
Service UUID FFE0 (Service UUID)
Characteristic UUID FFE1 (for pass-through data)
Characteristic UUID FFE2 (for pass-through data)
Characteristic UUID FFE3 (for MESH data transmission and reception, MESH command transmission and reception, APP control of IO, and parameter configuration)

APP commands

# APP 透传 (使用特征 UUID:FFE1)

0XFFE1 为 APP 透传特征 UUID(应用于 IOS、Android 或微信小程序通信)

APP 向 MESH 发送数据或指令 (使用特征 FFE3)

数据格式 HEAD(2byte) + CMD(1byte) + MADDR(2byte) + data(1-16byte)

例子 1:APP 向所有设备广播数据:31323334353637383930
指令 1:F101 00 FFFF 31323334353637383930
例子 2:APP 向 0008 设备串口发送 1122334455 数据
指令 2:F101 00 0008 1122334455
例子 3:APP 将所有模块的 OUT1 引脚设置成高电平
指令 3:F101 10 FFFF AAB1E70101
例子 4:APP 将 0008 模块的 OUT1 引脚设置成低电平
指令 4:F101 10 0008 AAB1E70100
例子 5:APP 读取 0008 模块的所有 OUT 引脚电平
指令 5:F101 31 0008 F0B100
例子 6:APP 读取 0008 模块的所有 INPUT 引脚电平
指令 6:F101 31 0008 F1B101


If the transmission distance is relatively long, will it extend the network transmission distance if JDY-24M/25M is placed every several dozen meters?

  • Answer: Yes

Example: A needs to send data to (C, D, E, F). Due to the long distance, A's signal cannot reach (C, D, E, F). Here, a device B needs to be placed between A and C to solve the communication distance problem between A and C.


Mesh mode

broadcasting to control the IO of all nodes

  • Configure the network NETID to 1122: AT+NETID1122
  • Configure the current device short address to 0005: AT+MADDR0005

  • Configure the current KEY1 broadcast to control the OUT3 output IO of all devices in the network: AT+KEY1,0008,3,1
  • Send AT+RESET again to restart and take effect. At this time, KEY1 can control the output IO level of all OUT3 in the network

low power mode options

  • Configure the device as a low-power terminal node: AT+MCLSS1
  • In low-power mode, the current is 3uA, the key is pressed to send data, and the key is released to enter deep sleep

broadcasting to send data to all nodes

  • Configure the network NETID to 1122: AT+NETID1122
  • Configure the current device short address to 0005: AT+MADDR0005
  • Configure the device as a routing node: AT+MCLSS0
  • Configuration takes effect after restart

Broadcast 1122334455 data to all devices (FF FF) on the network, send the following instructions

41 54 2b 4d 45 53 48 00 FF FF 11 22 33 44 55 0D0A

Send 1122334455 data to device 0008 (00 08) in the network, the instructions are as follows

41 54 2b 4d 45 53 48 00 00 08 11 22 33 44 55 0D0A

Control the OUT1 pin of target 0008 to be low level, and there is an ACK response, the instructions are as follows

41 54 2b 4d 45 53 48 11 00 08 AA B2 E7 01 00
