NGS1095 Dat
- Pin pitch 2.0 mm
pin definitions
Pin Definitions R2:
- U1V_RXD, U1V_TXD: uart1 txd and rxd pin via logic shifter, 5V compliant
- IO0: GPIO 0
- VDD: VDD 3.3V from module
- RI DTR DCD CTS RTS RXD TXD: Full UART1 pins, extra pins can be used as GPIO or other control functions, please refer to datasheet.
- M_K: external MCU control pin, pull high to power on module
- U2TXD, U2RXD: uart2 pins, can be used for upgrade firmware.
- VUSB, DP, DM, GND: USB debug pins
- RST - reset, ADC - analog read pin, V_ext: power supply logic, STAT: status logic, NET: netlight
- GND, VIN: Power supply in, support up to 12V.
Pin Soldering Side
on sim card side
on module side