
  • https://www.electrodragon.com/product/attiny-1385-programming-shield/

Using Guide

Flash Bootloader Programming Guide and Note

  • Support three attiny series
  • Some version of ArduinoIDE is not working well, for example, 1.61, 1.00, etc, better version approved 1.05, 1.56-r2
  • Burn bootloader twice, sometimes it seems the arduinoIDE bug: the IC will fail on uploading sketch when moved to arduino board

  • If you see the problem "programmer of out sync", get the easy solution here. arduinoISP-dat
  • Find all the unofficial attiny board files here. attiny-dat

  • upload arduino sketch using "programmer" options in the menu, DO NOT use "upload" button

  • Program hex file into target IC with AVRDUDESS