... | ... | @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ |
1 | 1 | |
2 | 2 | # SCU1010-dat |
3 | 3 | |
4 | + |
5 | +https://www.electrodragon.com/product/n20-high-torque-force-reducing-motor/ |
6 | + |
4 | 7 | Watch me |
5 | 8 | |
6 | 9 | ![](2023-12-04-18-33-47.png) |
... | ... | Binary files /dev/null and b/Board-dat/SCU/SCU1024-dat/2023-12-04-18-36-37.png differ |
... | ... | Binary files /dev/null and b/Board-dat/SCU/SCU1024-dat/2023-12-04-18-37-25.png differ |
... | ... | Binary files /dev/null and b/Board-dat/SCU/SCU1024-dat/2023-12-04-18-38-42.png differ |
... | ... | Binary files /dev/null and b/Board-dat/SCU/SCU1024-dat/2023-12-04-18-39-36.png differ |
Board-dat/SCU/SCU1024-dat/4-Phase 5-Wire Stepper Motor, 28BYJ-48-5V.png
... | ... | Binary files /dev/null and b/Board-dat/SCU/SCU1024-dat/4-Phase 5-Wire Stepper Motor, 28BYJ-48-5V.png differ |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
1 | + |
2 | +# SCU1024-dat |
3 | + |
4 | +https://www.electrodragon.com/product/5v-4-phase-5-wire-stepper-motor-gear-motor-28byj-48-5v/ |
5 | + |
6 | +- legacy wiki page 1 - https://w.electrodragon.com/w/28BJY-48 |
7 | +- legacy wiki page 2 - https://w.electrodragon.com/w/Category:Stepper |
8 | + |
9 | + |
10 | + |
11 | +![](2023-12-04-18-45-52.png) |
12 | + |
13 | + |
14 | +## Specs |
15 | + |
16 | +![](2023-12-04-18-39-36.png) |
17 | +## Wiring |
18 | + |
19 | +![](2023-12-04-18-36-37.png) |
20 | + |
21 | + |
22 | +![](2023-12-04-18-38-42.png) |
23 | + |
24 | + |
25 | +![](2023-12-04-18-37-25.png) |
26 | + |
27 | + |
28 | +## ref |
29 | + |
30 | +- [[SCU1024]] |
... | ... | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... | Binary files /dev/null and b/Board-dat/SDR/SDR1050-dat/2023-12-04-18-49-16.png differ |
... | ... | Binary files /dev/null and b/Board-dat/SDR/SDR1050-dat/2023-12-04-18-50-51.png differ |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ |
1 | + |
2 | +# SDR1050-dat |
3 | + |
4 | + |
5 | +## Wiring with Arduino |
6 | + |
7 | +Here are schematics showing how to interface a unipolar stepper motor to four controller pins using a ULN2003A, and showing how to interface using four TIP120's. |
8 | + |
9 | +* IN1-4 to the MCU IOs |
10 | +* The pins in the white jack (from left to the right) are: Motor VCC, A, B, C, D (to the stepper motor) |
11 | +* Power switch pins: GND, VCC, VCC, Motor VCC, use jumper to choose using shared VCC or not. |
12 | + |
13 | +![](2023-12-04-18-50-51.png) |
14 | + |
15 | + |
16 | +## SCH |
17 | + |
18 | +![](2023-12-04-18-49-16.png) |
19 | + |
20 | +- 红色 =red; |
21 | +- 橙色=orange; |
22 | +- 黄色=yellow; |
23 | +- 紫色=purple; |
24 | +- 蓝色=Blue |
25 | + |
26 | +## ref |
27 | + |
28 | + |
29 | +- datasheet chip [[ULN2003-dat]] |
30 | + |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
1 | + |
2 | +# ULN2003-dat |
3 | + |
4 | +- datasheet [[ULN2003.pdf]] |
... | ... | \ No newline at end of file |
... | ... | @@ -0,0 +1,313 @@ |
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