legacy wiki page

  • https://w.electrodragon.com/w/Category:TFT_LCDs


  • 1.8” SPI LCD, ST7735, 128*160, with SD card slot
  • 2.2” SPI LCD, ILI9341 240*320, with SD card slot
  • 2.4” SPI LCD, ILI9341 240*320, with SD card slot, with touch panel
  • 2.8” SPI LCD, ILI9341 240*320, with SD card slot, with touch panel
  • 3.2” SPI LCD, ILI93141 240*320, with SD card slot, with touch panel
  • 4.0” SPI LCD, ST7796S 480*320, with SD card slot, with touch panel

Pin Definitions

Pins Pins Funcs Note  
1 VCC 5V/3.3V power input  
2 GND ground  
3 CS LCD chip select signal, low level enable  
4 RESET LCD screen reset signal, low level reset  
5 DC/RS LCD screen register/data selection signal, 0: register, 1. data  
6 SDI(MOSI) SPI bus write data signal  
7 SCK SPI bus clock signal  
8 LED Backlight control, high level lights up, if no control is needed, connect to 3.3V to keep it on  
9 SDO(MISO) SPI Bus read data signal, if no reading function is needed, it does not need to be connected  
10 T_CLK Touch SPI bus clock signal  
11 T_CS Touch screen chip select signal, low level enable  
12 T_DIN Touch SPI bus input  
13 T_DO Touch SPI bus output  
14 T_IRQ Touch screen interrupt signal, low level when touch is detected  

Note: The 2.2-inch SPI module has no touch pins and has 9 PINs. The 2.4/2.8/3.2/3.5/4.0 modules with touch have 14 PIN standard pins.


  • https://github.com/Edragon/Display-LCD-SPI

  • https://github.com/lcdwiki/LCDWIKI_gui.git
