- https://twitter.com/electro_phoenix/status/1639160253811142656
- Loraduino low power test, sleep in 80uA
low power mode DVA1007-dat
- first init RF Lora
- then, must well initiated flash, or this cost 1-2 mA - https://github.com/LowPowerLab/SPIFlash
- turn RF Lora into sleep mode, or this cost 1-2 mA
- turn on arduino into low power mode - https://github.com/LowPowerLab/LowPower
- arduino low power, powerdown and wake up periodically
- Sim7020g low power test 27ua in sleep mode, wake up by pin
- https://twitter.com/electro_phoenix/status/1640585737308622850
Flash Issue
- Please remember to use "low-power-lab" arduino library: https://github.com/LowPowerLab/SPIFlash
- install the library: flash.initialize()
- https://github.com/Edragon/Arduino-main/blob/master/Sketchbook/memory/SPIFlash_LowPowerLab/SPIFlash_LowPowerLab.ino
arduino deep sleep library
- https://github.com/arduino-libraries/ArduinoLowPower
- https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/libraries/arduino-low-power/
legacy wiki page - https://w.electrodragon.com/w/Category:Low_Power
low power design guide AN1416.pdf