Flash Download Tool

  • download from - https://www.espressif.com.cn/en/support/download/other-tools


SPI = 40Mhz SPI Mode = DOUT for CH340, speed up to 1 500 000 = 1.5M


ESP32-C3 Factory Mode

  • Chip = ESP32-C3
  • Mode = Factory
  • LoadMode = UART


  • Flash Frequency: 40M or 80M
  • SPI Mode: QIO or DIO

wiring with USB-TTL cable

  • Red = 5V+ Power Supply = pin1 = +5V or VCC
  • Green - TXD
  • White - RXD
  • GND - Ground

ESP32-C3 Enter into Flash Mode

  • Connect wiring first
  • Hold down IO9
  • Press EN or RST button to restart the module, and enter into flash mode