wiring arduino

CC1101 Pins func Arduino Pins Description
SCK SCK 13 Clock Pin
SI MISO 12 Data input
SO MOSI 11 Data output
SS SS 10 Chip select
GDO2 Pin 9 output as a symbol of receiving or sending data
GDO0 Pin 2 serial clock output
VCC 3.3/5V VCC 3.3/5V VCC
  • Connect SPI to arduino SPI pins
  • Demo code available in documents section below
  • This is the demo code, you may need to add some delays (delay(3000);) to slow down the serial output

Library code

  • SmartRF - http://www.ti.com/tool/smartrftm-studio
  • find the SmartRF tool to adjust the parapmeters of CC1101, such as frequency 433, 915, modulation ask, fsk, etc.
  • Arduino Support Lib - RadioLib