quectel AT

CMD enquiry or notification Set enable feedback description CN
  AT+CREG?   1 = registered ge registeration status //获得手机的注册状态
  ATD18576608994;       //拨打电话; 用户将其中的数字换成自己要
  +EUSIM: 1       //识别到 SIM 卡
    AT+ESLP=0     //禁止模块自动休眠
  AT+CSQ   +CSQ: 24,99   //查询手机信号强度
  1. 拨打电话 AT 流程: +EUSIM: 1 //识别到 SIM 卡 AT+ESLP=0 //禁止模块自动休眠 AT+CSQ //查询手机信号强度 AT+CREG? //获得手机的注册状态 ATD13168091598 //拨打电话; 用户将其中的数字换成自己要 拨打的电话号码

2.短信发送 AT 流程:

+EUSIM: 1 //识别到 SIM 卡 AT+ESLP=0 //禁止模块自动休眠 AT+CSQ //查询手机信号强度 AT+CREG? //获得手机的注册状态 AT+CMGF=1 //设置短信格式为 TEXT 模式; AT+CMGF=0 为 PDU 模式 AT+CMGS="13168091598" //设置短信接收方号码 “I love you!” //发送短信内容 0x1A //发送短信结束符

  1. GPRS 入网流程: +EUSIM: 1 //识别到 SIM 卡 AT+ESLP=0 //禁止模块自动休眠 AT+CSQ //查询手机信号强度 AT+CREG? //获得手机的注册状态 AT+EGDCONT=0,"IP","CMNET" //设置移动网络。 CMNET,中国移动网络; UNINET,中国联通网络 AT+ETCPIP=1,0 //设置网络连接类型 AT+ETL=1,0,0,"",29329 //设置 IP 地址、 端口号。 AT+ETLTS=0 //连接返回 socket id, 进入透传模式 “I love you!” //发送内容到服务器 +++ //发送+++退出透传模式


//Enter PIN AT+CPIN? +CPIN: SIM PIN //Query PIN code is locked OK AT+CPIN=1234 //Enter PIN OK +CPIN: READY AT+CPIN? //PIN has already been entered +CPIN: READY OK


Enable or disable SIM/USIM inserted status report. If it is enabled, when SIM/USIM card is removed or inserted, the URC: +QSIMSTAT: , will be reported. 0 Disable 1 Enable SIM/USIM is inserted or removed. This argument is not allowed to be set. 0 Removed 1 Inserted 2 Unknown, before SIM initialization ## 13.3. AT+CBC Battery Charge AT+CBC returns battery charge status and battery charge level of the MT. ## 2.22. AT+CFUN Set Phone Functionality Parameter - 0 Minimum functionality - 1 Full functionality (Default) - 4 Disable the phone from both transmitting and receiving RF signals - 0 Do not reset the ME before setting it to power level. This is default when is not given. - 1 Reset the ME. The device is fully functional after the reset. This value is available only for =1 ## 7.15. AT+CLCC List Current Calls of ME ## network status ### AT+COPS? commands AT+COPS? //Query the currently selected network operator +COPS: 0,0,“CHN-UNICOM”,0 OK AT+COPS? +COPS: 0,0,"CHINA MOBILE",0 ### AT+CREG AT+CREG? +CREG: ,[,,[,]] - 0 Disable network registration unsolicited result code - 1 Enable network registration unsolicited result code +CREG: - 2 Enable network registration unsolicited result code with location information +CREG: [,,[,]] - 0 Not registered, ME is not currently searching a new operator to register to - 1 Registered, home network - 2 Not registered, but ME is currently searching a new operator to register to - 3 Registration denied - 4 Unknown - 5 Registered, roaming For NBIOT AT+CEREG? +CEREG: 0,4 ### 6.3. AT+CSQ Signal Quality Report ## Mobile Call - ATD18576608994; - ATD15318413464; - ATD15575141816;