Pin Definitions

#define OM_LED 10 // on module led
#define WS_LED 9 // WS2812, select by jumper 

#define addc 0

#define W_LED 4 // white
#define B_LED 5 // blue
#define G_LED 6 // green
#define R_LED 7 //red
  • IO9 button = program mode pin
  • EN button = reset pin
  • programmable LED pin 10

Core Module Sch

Peripheral schamtic please refer to NWI1124-DAT

quick test

  • find demo code at https://github.com/Edragon/Arduino-ESP32
  • find your board IP address, verify it in browser:
  • try the test commands to turn off on board prog LED:
  • in which, IO is 10 and IO voltage level is 0

demo video

  • https://twitter.com/electro_phoenix/status/1610204098019880961


  • ESP32-USB failed on code testing, may work or not, consider it is not working if you buy.

Update Log

  • New USB footprint to simplified the production process and reduce failure rate
  • Tested USB Functions working fine by customers feedback
