default output 3.3V, customized 5V
Pin Definitions:
- Top left: Input ground
- Bottom Left: Input power supply
- Top right: Output ground
- Bottom Left: Ouput power supply
Also can be used to driver servo, set to 3A 5V max.
-• LCD-TV -• SetTop Box -• Notebook -• Storage -• High power AP router -• Networking
Output Setup
- R2 = 0.6/(V-0.6)*R1
- for 3.3V, R2 = 0.6/(3.3-0.6) * R1 = 22K
- for 5V, R2 = 0.6/(5-0.6) * R1 = 13.6K
- for 12V, R2 = 0.6/(12-0.6) * R1 = 5.26K