Board map
Pin Definitions of Extra Pins
battery charger
Jumper - SJ6 - battery-charger-dat
- reset of IP5306 together with ESP32
Network Resistor NR2 / NR3
- default set for battery volume, indicating by on board LEDs
- NR2 + SJ2 + SJ3 for IP5306-I2C version only, customize only
Extra Pin Header Pins:
- GND VBAT +5V +3V3
- IO4 IO16 IO17 IO26
I2C Port - I2C-dat
- IO21 IO22 GND 3V3 +5V
Interactive LCD and audio
- programmerable: IO33 IO36 IO 39
Define in arduino
#define button1 IO39
#define button2 IO36
#define button3 IO33
#define button4 IO0
#define led1 IO19
#define SPK IO25
#define TFT_RESET IO5
#define TFT_SCK IO18
#define TFT_DC IO32
#define TFT_CS IO27
#define TFT_SDA IO23
#define TFT_SDO IO12
#define SD_CS IO13
#define SD_MOSI IO15
#define SD_MOSI IO14
#define SD_MISO IO2
#define IP5306_SCL IO22
#define IP5306_SDA IO21
#define IP5306_LED3 IO34
#define BAT_ADC IO35
Define in ESP32-WROVER-dat module
New version define in the file User_Setup.h
Arduino Demo Code
- Based on Arduino TFT_eSPI library
Add extra pin definitions, demo code please see here (Arduino-ESP32/Sketchbook/Display/).
Working demo please search contact-dat channels
- https://github.com/Bodmer/TFT_eSPI
- https://t.me/electrodragon3/156
- Please attach battery, and plug USB to "activate" battery first, once you removed the battery you may need to activate it again
- Battery port, I2C port pitch 1.25 mm, speaker port pitch 2.0mm
Module - ESP32-WROVER-dat
memory-dat - sd-dat - audio-dat - I2C-dat