NID1020 DAT - EL125

pin definitions

pin name note
1 antenna 1 MUST CONNECT
2 antenna 2 MUST CONNECT
3 high-level election serial port, low-level selection of Wigan, THIS MUST SELECT
4 buzzer output, no card low, a card output 2.7k square wave  
5 Serial TX output or Wigan 26 data D1 data out
6 Wigan 26 data D0  
7 reset terminal, active low to repeat reading  
9 power supply MUST CONNECT
  • pin 1/2 antenna
  • pin 3 data type output selection, normally put to VCC
  • pin 5 tx output data
  • pin 8/9 power supply

read info

  • baudrate 9600
  • EL125 tag read: 02 30 44 30 30 36 36 37 38 38 36 95 03
  • EM4100 tag read: 02 32 37 30 30 39 44 41 36 43 45 D2 03
  • test2: 02 30 39 30 30 37 43 42 32 43 30 07 03


demo code

  • or Arduino demo code here:


  • Use software serial pin 6/7, connect RFID TX data pin to Arduino RX pin 6 or 7
  • Module output selection pin should set to High for serial output

  • To avoid interferences, use different power supply for RFID and arduino, but connect share common ground GND


other RFID cards or keys

  • no guarantee the same performance, high quality RFID cards or tags are required!


  • Any microcontrollers should work, and lithium batteries also work, just add more capacitors to filter the noise in the power supply. The performance only changes a little or not if you do good filtering.