• D2/D3 or D4/D5 Serial to SIM808
  • D6/D7 - Relay
  • D8 - SIM800 BOOT
  • D13 - PROG LED

arduino pin template

arduino Note customize
13   prog_LED
8   SIM800 BOOT
7   Relay2
6   Relay1
5   SIM800-soft_serial
4   SIM800-soft_serial
2 INT0  
1 TXD  
0 RXD  

  • FTDI FT232RL cable match programming pins on top-left:
    • DTR TXD RXD +5V – GND

Accompany Module

hardware Setup

  • arduino pro mini 5V/16M
  • SIM800 software serial port, selected by SMD jumper: D2 + D3 or D4 + D5
  • pull D8 pin to HIGH for at lease 2 seconds, and then LOW to boot SIM800 module
    • SIM800 Network LED should start to link

Demo video

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4_cRzhXZws

Demo Code

  • https://github.com/Edragon/Arduino-main/tree/master/Sketchbook/RF/NGS1072
  • https://github.com/Edragon/Arduino/tree/master/Sketchbook/01_GSM/
  • Please use as a refernece, the repository may need sort out.


  • You will need CP2102 or FT232RL, etc, connect 5V, GND, TX, RX, RST to board relevant pin 5V, GND, RX, TX and DTR.
  • A standard FTDI connector wiring image could see here.
  • Board pre flashed with arduino pro mini 5V/16M firmware, please choose this as board, and free to upload new code.


  • Notice: current board can not fit into our relay board case, AC-DC unit is too big, will make next version supported.
