- P12: Blink to indicate it is waiting for pairing, On to indicate paired.
- P05: MCU interruption, low to interrupt the connection from MCU.
AT commands
AT COMMANDs only works when module is not connected for cofiguration only.
- Must add CR and LR (\r\n) for each command
High/low character not sensistive
- Baudrate supports 1200,2400,4800,9600,14400,19200,38400,57600,115200,230400,460800 and 921600bps。
Command | Description | Examples | Parameters |
AT | Test | - | |
AT+Reset | Reset | - | |
AT+VERSION | check firmware version | - | |
AT+DEFAULT | Restore to default | - | |
AT+LADDR or AT+LADDR | set/check address | AT+LADDR11:22:33:44:55:66\r\n | |
AT+NAME or AT+NAME | set/check device name | AT+NAMEElectrodragon\r\n | |
AT+ROLE or AT+ROLE | set/check device mode | - | 0 = slave, 1 = master |
AT+PIN or AT+PIN | set/check | - | default 1234 |
AT+BAUD or AT+BAUD | set/check baudrate | - | * |
- Note: 1—1200, 2—2400, 3—4800, 4—9600, 5—19200, 6—38400, 7—57600, 8—115200, 9—230400, A—460800, B—921600, C—1382400. Default:4—9600