legacy wiki page - https://w.electrodragon.com/w/RPI_RMP_Guide
Pin Definitions, Product Series please refer to page - RMP-driver-dat
Board Map
Output Control Chains
- TOP - P0
- Middle - P1
- Bottom - P3 (typo or P2 )
JP3 Power Supply Pins
- 3.3V
- 5V
Switch SW1
- Left to I2C RTC
- right to use on board P3 chain output
- ROW_E to GND
- or RX debug output
JP1 / JP2 / JP3
- ROW_E buffer select to
- pin 4
- or pin 8
- or gnd
Board Functions
RTC-dat: on board used battery is CR1220
- code: https://github.com/hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix
board: https://github.com/hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/tree/master/adapter
- rpi-dat
C execute file
clone project, build the binary executable file, and use following commands
make -C examples-api-use
commandline test
The panels of the same size could have different drive (scan) methods, it depends on the panel's driver chip. please try different led-multiplexing, from 0~17
demo video
- lately test 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KG2e6GpXDIY&ab_channel=Electrodragon
- early test 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wN-cqQ_2kNs&ab_channel=Electrodragon
- early test 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgrxaVafo5o&ab_channel=Electrodragon
telegram CH
- https://t.me/electrodragon3/216
- https://t.me/electrodragon3/217
common FAQ
common errors
MPC1073-design-error (obseleted, 2022 only)
chip check
probably NOT supported Panels: ICN2153 ICN2053 chips
Check the chip type (FM6126A)
more FAQs
Using all 3 chains with rPi 4, is there any GPIO free to use?
No any free pins left except SC / SD pins -
What are SC and SD pin holes? GPIO0 = SDA0, GPIO7 = SCL0
What are RX pin hole? GPIO15, ROW_E pin, can be set to ground
Prerequisite Checklist, double check for GPIOs
turn off => SPI IIC, 1-wire, serial, etc in raspi-config
turn off => sound in /boot/config.txt -> add line dtparam=audio=off
optionally remove following modules: sudo apt-get remove bluez bluez-firmware pi-bluetooth triggerhappy pigpio
optionally disable: audio in kernel
cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-rgb-matrix.conf
blacklist snd_bcm2835
sudo update-initramfs -u
by following up setup, the GPIO output should be all good
- https://w.electrodragon.com/w/RPI_RMP_Guide
backup demo code - https://github.com/btc520/RPI-MPC1073
- MPC1073