
link - https://www.electrodragon.com/product/esp8266-wifi-arduino-uart-extension-board/

Current Version 2

Version 1


Jumper Name Set Description
Flash ON or OFF Set flash mode, flash LED will turn on
Arduino Serial D1/D0 or D3/D4 Arduino serial switch between softserial or hardware serial
Serial Switch   Arduino or standalone output

ESP Serial Part

  • ESP-12F-dat
  • Serial selectable connect to arduino Serial D0/D1 or D3/D4

Lora SPI Part

  • D13 - CLK
  • D12 - DO
  • D11 - DI
  • D10 - CS
  • DIO0 / IRQ - D2

Reserved DIO (via jumpers)

  • DIO1 - D6
  • DIO2 - D7
  • DIO5 - D8
  • DIO3 - x
  • DIO4 - x


  • D5 - Flash_CS


  • Selectable to ESP IO13 or Arduino A0, by backside jumper

Demo code

  • arduino_uart_esp_at -> arduino send AT commands to ESP8266
  • arduino_uart_esp_wifi -> "transparent" communicatino in TCP client mode
  • in https://github.com/Edragon/arduino-esp8266/tree/master/Sketchbook/Hardware